Wednesday, December 19, 2012

E is for Everlasting Love

Everlasting Love

ev·er·last·ing:  Lasting forever; eternal

"I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jeremiah 31: 3-4

1 Chronicles 16:34 "O give thanks to the LORd for He is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting"

John 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I lave loved you"

There is another Everlasting Love that most of us know. The way our mothers and fathers love us unconditionaly and the way we love our children unconditionaly. That's the same love the Lord shows for everyone...unconditional love.

She rocked her baby soft and sweet.
Singing nursery rhymes and humming hymns.
Two hearts beat in harmony.
In her arms is baby's safest place to be.

Everlasting love comes in many forms but the greatest everlasting love of all comes from the shining light from up above.

Linked up to my fave linky Alphabe-Thursday @ Mrs. Matlock's.

Spread the love my blog friends.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." Jimi Hendrix

Love to all

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Precious Memories

Today I wanted to share with y'all a poem from my 1948 Christmas Annual. I love this book it is full of all kinds of fun vintage Christmas things.

Can't you just imagine little Susan's excitement when she listen's to Grandpa's stories about St. Nick. The candles are glistening and good smells are coming from the kitchen. All the while little Susan's imagination is full of happy thoughts. Little does she know she is making memories with her Grandfather. Memories that she will cherish forever.  That's what we do when we sit with our children and read a Christmas story, or bake cookies, or decorate. Memories are being made at that very moment. Let's create happy memories for our children to look back on.

Children are a beautiful sight at Christmastime and any time of the year. I am so thankful for my little children, may the Lord bless them all their days.

Merry Christmas to my blog friends! You are all in my thoughts during this wonderful time of the year and always.

Warmest Wishes

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Secret Santa Delivery


I am so happy to have received my Secret Santa Package. It was loaded with goodies galore. Below are the pics. I believe 2 items were made by hand which is the greatest type of gift ever. Excellent wrapping skills I must say! I can never position the images perfectly like that. I love everything and THANK YOU to my Secret Santa.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Where is the Love


It is so sad what people will do to other people in our world. It's horrible when innocent children are the victims. The news said ages 5-10...what can compel a person to harm an innocent little child. Those poor frightened children whose whole lives were just heart goes out to their families. I can not imagine going to pick up my child only to find that my child was one of the victims. As I write this my heart is breaking for the victims and their loved ones. Although it seems impossible I hope they may find some type of comfort in their lives. If I were in their shoes it would be nearly impossible for me to ever get over the sadness!

Matthew 18:10
See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

Luke 17:1-2
"It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you do not fear, I will help you." Isaiah 41:13 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

D is for Deer

D is for Deer

I simply adore the kitschy deer from the 1940s and the 1950s. I don't know why but I have none of the figurines or anything. I have some deer images and a few large art prints of deer but I don't have any vintage deer. I need to get myself in gear and get some vintage deer, my dear. Deer are such beautiful and graceful animals. I think they are a lovely part of nature.

This is my personal favorite vintage santa and deer image. This image was actually in a 1940 magazine.

"November 1940~Went to the market today and saw Ellen McIntosh. I talked to her about the Ladies Luncheon at church and she said she would be arranging the decorations and wanted me to do the flowers. I told her I would. I washed and dried all of the bedding, aired the beds out, and put fresh sheets blankets and quilts on all of the beds. Since Thanksgiving is over I'm going to start my Christmas decorating. Received my favorite housekeeping magazine what a lovely Christmas ad I found on one of the pages I think I will frame this up and add it to my Christmas decor this year. Warm Wishes, Ruby"

Ruby's Favorite Ad

Here is another vintage deer and Santa image I adore (Ruby does, too). This picture is actually from the 1950s but I wanted to add it to show everyone how cute that baby deer is laying there.

I'm linking up to Alphabe-Thursday which is one of my favorite blog hops ever! Go to Mrs. Matlock's classroom to see more fun posts.

**Go to my first post to see more about Ruby Johnson.**

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Homemade Christmas and Simple Snowballs

"Dashing through the snow..." ~Jingle Bells

This year I decided to make a few homemade gifts for a lot of the ladies in my family. Chalkboards are so popular in decor and they are also convenient so I made a few. It is quite simple actually. I just hope everyone loves their presents.

I just bought a silver tray and painted it white and chalkboard painted the center and then placed it on a picture stand. That was my first attempt. I am going to use picture frames for the remaining gifts I will post on those once I see how they will go.

"Cookies & Milk"

These are my Simple Snowballs. It is a very easy recipe. Just mix one box white cake mix with 2 eggs and 1/3 cup of oil. Stir in 1/2 a cup of pecans. Roll into balls, flatten, & bake. Then while still warm roll in powdered sugar and then once they cool do it again if you want them really "Snowball-y." The above pic is only rolled once. Grab some ice cold milk and a cozy blanket. Take some of these cookies and turn on a Christmas movie while you are sitting next to the tree. That's cozy!

Simple Snowballs

1 box white cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 cup oil
1/2 cup pecans
powdered sugar

Mix first four ingredients. Roll into teaspoon balls, flatten a little, & Bake at 350. While warm roll in powdered sugar. Let cool and roll again for a real snowball effect.

Warm Wishes

Mrs. Timbs c. 1940

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Parades 1930s-1940s

Dear Friend,

First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving. I'm sure there is so much for each and everyone to be thankful for. I'm most thankful for the Lord's guidance, my family and friends, and the basic necessities of life. For many years the tradition has been to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on television. I have compiled a few vintage day parades for each one of you. All of these videos are courtesy of "YouTube." The first is from 1935, the second is 1939, and the third is 1940, and the last is 1941. I hope you enjoy this step back in time. Don't forget to count your blessings on such a day as this.

"Reflect upon your present blessing, of which every man has many--not on your past misfortunes, which all men have some." ~Charles Dickens

"O Lord, who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfullness." ~William Shakespeare

"Without Thy sunshine and Thy rain
We could not have the golden grain;
Without Thy love we'd not be fed;
We thank Thee for our daily bread." ~Anonymous

"Forever on Thanksgiving Day, the heart will find the pathway home." ~ Wilbur D. Nesbit

"But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie; Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin pie!" ~ Margaret Junkin Preston

I hope everyone enjoys the short videos from Thanksgivings long ago. Happy Thanksgiving to each of you.

~Mrs. Homemaker

** quotes taken from **

Friday, November 16, 2012

Vintage Cinema: Cass Timberlane

Dear Friend,

It is time for Vintage Cinema. I'm going to post a favorite movie every so often to share the old movies with my friends. I am currently in love with Cass Timberlane starring Spencer Tracy and Lana Turner. This movie was made in 1947. I did not know until today that there is a book. I am going to seek out that book one day and hope it is like most people say about movies and books, "The book was better." Of course, I just love Spencer Tracy and Lana turner anyway.

The movie is about a lonely widowed judge who marries a girl from the "other side of the tracks." She is young and very lively and hasn't seemed to lived much just yet. So during the marriage she "grows up." Well all these events cause a great big hurrah in the town they are from. It's a wonderful movie well worth watching.

Judge: Admit that you were out.
Jinny: I was out by a mile.

Jinny: My mother and father put their toothbrushes in the same glass.

Jinny: As sober as a, as sober as a, as sober as a judge!
Judge: The stork? THE STORK?!?

I hope you enjoy a step back in time with Vintage Cinema. Have a wonderful day.

~Mrs. Homemaker

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Vintage Turkey Cartoon

Dear Friend,

Now that the Thanksgiving Season is officially almost here, I thought I'd have some fun and put a bit of nostalgia into our celebrations. Here is a fun youtube video from 1940s to get us into some turkey spirit.

Watching vintage movies and shows really helps to create a nostalgic atmosphere. Listening to vintage radio shows and music helps to create that atmosphere, too. I hope you enjoyed this little video.

~Mrs. Homemaker

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Holiday Series 4: Open House Christmas Party

Dear Friend,

We have now come to the final section of my Vintage Holiday Series. Section 4 is about having a complete open house party. Stocked with a well thought out menu and tons of recipes, this section is sure to delight anyone that is lucky enough to host and be invited to this party.

Holiday Series 4: Holiday Open House

"Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go..."

"There's no place like home for the holidays..."

See that sugar plum recipe down below? We made those and I'm going to share mine in another post.

"Sleigh bells ring are you listenin' In the lane the snow is glistenin'.."

There it is, the last section of my Holiday Series for vintage party ideas. I hope you enjoyed it. I am going to have another series next starring a very beautiful book from the 1940s. I hope it will be loved by all and perhaps these series will inspire ideas in the hearts of each one of you. Thank you so much for stopping by I greatly appreciate each one of you.

"Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year."

~Mrs. Homemaker

Linked up to Vintage Thingie Thursday @

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Holiday Series 3: Children's Christmas Party

Dear Friend,

Today is part 3 of my holiday series. Starring in this part of the series is a Children's Christmas Party. This plan for a children's party is so sweet and simple. What a wonderful way to make the faces of tiny tots light up with delight for their very own Christmas party.

Holiday Series 3: Children's Christmas Party

Simple little menu with fun filled foods for the children and adults, too.

I love the snowman. He is so cute and squatty.

Cute little ideas for "trees." I love the idea of hanging candy canes as the bottom layer.

This page shows ideas for decorating and a fun little game the children would love.

There you have it. Another section of my vintage holiday series. I hope you enjoyed looking at it.

~Mrs. Homemaker

Monday, November 12, 2012

Holiday Series 2: Christmas Coffee Party

Holiday Series: Christmas Coffee Party

How many of us either like to drink coffee or know some people who do. What a wonderful time to get together for coffee and refreshments during the holiday season. Perhaps invite friends over for a card writing party or a cookie exchange along with a coffee party. Many of the recipes for this series are made a day ahead of the party.

Here is the vintage tablescape for the coffee party menu. If you really wanted to go all out vintage this tablescape would be simple to re-create.

There you have it, another vintage holiday party that is sweet and simple to create. Hope everyone enjoyed looking at it.

~ Mrs. Homemaker